Ch20 Treatment Confounder Feedback

The previous chapter identified sequential exchangeability as a key condition to identify the causal effects of time-varying treatments. Suppose that we have a study in which the strongest form of sequential exchangeability holds: the measured time-varying confounders are sufficient to validly estimate the causal effect of any treatment strategy. Then the question is what confounding adjustment method to use. The answer to this question highlights a key problem in causal inference about time-varying treatments: treatment-confounder feedback. When treatment-confounder feedback exists, using traditional adjustment methods may introduce bias in the effect estimates. That is, even if we had all the information required to validly estimate the average causal effect of any treatment strategy, we would be generally unable to do so. This chapter describes the structure oftreatment-confounder feedback and the reasons why traditional adjustment methods fail.


Table of Contents

  1. The element of treatment confounder feedback

  2. The bias of traditional methods

  3. Why traditional methods fails

  4. Why traditional methods cannot be fixed

  5. Adjusting for past treatment