import inspect
from collections import OrderedDict
import torch
from torch_sparse import SparseTensor
from torch_scatter import gather_csr, scatter, segment_csr
msg_aggr_special_args = set([
msg_special_args = set([
aggr_special_args = set([
update_special_args = set([])
[docs]class MessagePassing(torch.nn.Module):
r"""Base class for creating message passing layers of the form
.. math::
\mathbf{x}_i^{\prime} = \gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}} \left( \mathbf{x}_i,
\square_{j \in \mathcal{N}(i)} \, \phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}
\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j,\mathbf{e}_{i,j}\right) \right),
where :math:`\square` denotes a differentiable, permutation invariant
function, *e.g.*, sum, mean or max, and :math:`\gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}}`
and :math:`\phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` denote differentiable functions such as
See `here <
create_gnn.html>`__ for the accompanying tutorial.
aggr (string, optional): The aggregation scheme to use
(:obj:`"add"`, :obj:`"mean"`, :obj:`"max"` or :obj:`None`).
(default: :obj:`"add"`)
flow (string, optional): The flow direction of message passing
(:obj:`"source_to_target"` or :obj:`"target_to_source"`).
(default: :obj:`"source_to_target"`)
node_dim (int, optional): The axis along which to propagate.
(default: :obj:`0`)
def __init__(self, aggr="add", flow="source_to_target", node_dim=0):
super(MessagePassing, self).__init__()
self.aggr = aggr
assert self.aggr in ['add', 'mean', 'max', None]
self.flow = flow
assert self.flow in ['source_to_target', 'target_to_source']
self.node_dim = node_dim
assert self.node_dim >= 0
self.__msg_aggr_params__ = inspect.signature(
self.__msg_aggr_params__ = OrderedDict(self.__msg_aggr_params__)
self.__msg_params__ = inspect.signature(self.message).parameters
self.__msg_params__ = OrderedDict(self.__msg_params__)
self.__aggr_params__ = inspect.signature(self.aggregate).parameters
self.__aggr_params__ = OrderedDict(self.__aggr_params__)
self.__update_params__ = inspect.signature(self.update).parameters
self.__update_params__ = OrderedDict(self.__update_params__)
msg_aggr_args = set(
self.__msg_aggr_params__.keys()) - msg_aggr_special_args
msg_args = set(self.__msg_params__.keys()) - msg_special_args
aggr_args = set(self.__aggr_params__.keys()) - aggr_special_args
update_args = set(self.__update_params__.keys()) - update_special_args
self.__user_args__ = set().union(msg_aggr_args, msg_args, aggr_args,
self.__fuse__ = True
def __get_mp_type__(self, edge_index):
if (torch.is_tensor(edge_index) and edge_index.dtype == torch.long
and edge_index.dim() == 2 and edge_index.size(0)):
return 'edge_index'
elif isinstance(edge_index, SparseTensor):
return 'adj_t'
return ValueError(
('`MessagePassing.propagate` only supports `torch.LongTensor` '
'of shape `[2, num_messages]` or `torch_sparse.SparseTensor` '
'for argument :obj:`edge_index`.'))
def __set_size__(self, size, idx, tensor):
if not torch.is_tensor(tensor):
elif size[idx] is None:
size[idx] = tensor.size(self.node_dim)
elif size[idx] != tensor.size(self.node_dim):
raise ValueError(
(f'Encountered node tensor with size '
f'{tensor.size(self.node_dim)} in dimension {self.node_dim}, '
f'but expected size {size[idx]}.'))
def __collect__(self, edge_index, size, mp_type, kwargs):
i, j = (0, 1) if self.flow == 'target_to_source' else (1, 0)
ij = {'_i': i, '_j': j}
out = {}
for arg in self.__user_args__:
if arg[-2:] not in ij.keys():
out[arg] = kwargs.get(arg, inspect.Parameter.empty)
idx = ij[arg[-2:]]
data = kwargs.get(arg[:-2], inspect.Parameter.empty)
if data is inspect.Parameter.empty:
out[arg] = data
if isinstance(data, tuple) or isinstance(data, list):
assert len(data) == 2
self.__set_size__(size, 1 - idx, data[1 - idx])
data = data[idx]
if not torch.is_tensor(data):
out[arg] = data
self.__set_size__(size, idx, data)
if mp_type == 'edge_index':
out[arg] = data.index_select(self.node_dim,
elif mp_type == 'adj_t' and idx == 1:
rowptr =
for _ in range(self.node_dim):
rowptr = rowptr.unsqueeze(0)
out[arg] = gather_csr(data, rowptr)
elif mp_type == 'adj_t' and idx == 0:
col =
out[arg] = data.index_select(self.node_dim, col)
size[0] = size[1] if size[0] is None else size[0]
size[1] = size[0] if size[1] is None else size[1]
if mp_type == 'edge_index':
out['edge_index_j'] = edge_index[j]
out['edge_index_i'] = edge_index[i]
out['index'] = out['edge_index_i']
elif mp_type == 'adj_t':
out['adj_t'] = edge_index
out['edge_index_i'] =
out['edge_index_j'] =
out['index'] =
out['ptr'] =
out['edge_attr'] =
out['size_j'] = size[j]
out['size_i'] = size[i]
out['dim_size'] = out['size_i']
return out
def __distribute__(self, params, kwargs):
out = {}
for key, param in params.items():
data = kwargs.get(key, inspect.Parameter.empty)
if data is inspect.Parameter.empty:
if param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty:
raise TypeError(f'Required parameter {key} is empty.')
data = param.default
out[key] = data
return out
[docs] def propagate(self, edge_index, size=None, **kwargs):
r"""The initial call to start propagating messages.
adj (Tensor or SparseTensor): A :obj:`torch.LongTensor` or a
:obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor` that defines the underlying
message propagation.
:obj:`edge_index` holds the indices of a general (sparse)
assignment matrix of shape :obj:`[N, M]`.
If :obj:`edge_index` is of type :obj:`torch.LongTensor`, its
shape must be defined as :obj:`[2, num_messages]`, where
messages from nodes in :obj:`edge_index[0]` are sent to
nodes in :obj:`edge_index[1]`
(in case :obj:`flow="source_to_target"`).
If :obj:`edge_index` is of type
:obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`, its sparse indices
:obj:`(row, col)` should relate to :obj:`row = edge_index[1]`
and :obj:`col = edge_index[0]`.
Hence, the only difference between those formats is that we
need to input the *transposed* sparse adjacency matrix into
size (list or tuple, optional): The size :obj:`[N, M]` of the
assignment matrix in case :obj:`edge_index` is a
If set to :obj:`None`, the size will be automatically inferred
and assumed to be quadratic.
This argument is ignored in case :obj:`edge_index` is a
:obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`. (default: :obj:`None`)
**kwargs: Any additional data which is needed to construct and
aggregate messages, and to update node embeddings.
# We need to distinguish between the old `edge_index` format and the
# new `torch_sparse.SparseTensor` format.
mp_type = self.__get_mp_type__(edge_index)
if mp_type == 'adj_t' and self.flow == 'target_to_source':
raise ValueError(
('Flow direction "target_to_source" is invalid for message '
'propagation based on `torch_sparse.SparseTensor`. If you '
'really want to make use of a reverse message passing flow, '
'pass in the transposed sparse tensor to the message passing '
'module, e.g., `adj.t()`.'))
if mp_type == 'edge_index':
if size is None:
size = [None, None]
elif isinstance(size, int):
size = [size, size]
elif torch.is_tensor(size):
size = size.tolist()
elif isinstance(size, tuple):
size = list(size)
elif mp_type == 'adj_t':
size = list(edge_index.sparse_sizes())[::-1]
assert isinstance(size, list)
assert len(size) == 2
# We collect all arguments used for message passing in `kwargs`.
kwargs = self.__collect__(edge_index, size, mp_type, kwargs)
# Try to run `message_and_aggregate` first and see if it succeeds:
if mp_type == 'adj_t' and self.__fuse__ is True:
msg_aggr_kwargs = self.__distribute__(self.__msg_aggr_params__,
out = self.message_and_aggregate(**msg_aggr_kwargs)
if out == NotImplemented:
self.__fuse__ = False
# Otherwise, run both functions in separation.
if mp_type == 'edge_index' or self.__fuse__ is False:
msg_kwargs = self.__distribute__(self.__msg_params__, kwargs)
out = self.message(**msg_kwargs)
aggr_kwargs = self.__distribute__(self.__aggr_params__, kwargs)
out = self.aggregate(out, **aggr_kwargs)
update_kwargs = self.__distribute__(self.__update_params__, kwargs)
out = self.update(out, **update_kwargs)
return out
[docs] def message(self, x_j):
r"""Constructs messages from node :math:`j` to node :math:`i`
in analogy to :math:`\phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` for each edge in
This function can take any argument as input which was initially
passed to :meth:`propagate`.
Furthermore, tensors passed to :meth:`propagate` can be mapped to the
respective nodes :math:`i` and :math:`j` by appending :obj:`_i` or
:obj:`_j` to the variable name, *.e.g.* :obj:`x_i` and :obj:`x_j`.
return x_j
[docs] def aggregate(self, inputs, index, ptr=None, dim_size=None):
r"""Aggregates messages from neighbors as
:math:`\square_{j \in \mathcal{N}(i)}`.
Takes in the output of message computation as first argument and any
argument which was initially passed to :meth:`propagate`.
By default, this function will delegate its call to scatter functions
that support "add", "mean" and "max" operations as specified in
:meth:`__init__` by the :obj:`aggr` argument.
if ptr is not None:
for _ in range(self.node_dim):
ptr = ptr.unsqueeze(0)
return segment_csr(inputs, ptr, reduce=self.aggr)
return scatter(inputs, index, dim=self.node_dim, dim_size=dim_size,
[docs] def message_and_aggregate(self, adj_t):
r"""Fuses computations of :func:`message` and :func:`aggregate` into a
single function.
If applicable, this saves both time and memory since messages do not
explicitly need to be materialized.
This function will only gets called in case it is implemented and
propagation takes place based on a :obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`.
return NotImplemented
[docs] def update(self, inputs):
r"""Updates node embeddings in analogy to
:math:`\gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` for each node
:math:`i \in \mathcal{V}`.
Takes in the output of aggregation as first argument and any argument
which was initially passed to :meth:`propagate`.
return inputs