Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import os.path as osp
import tarfile
import zipfile
import bz2
import gzip

def maybe_log(path, log=True):
    if log:
        print('Extracting', path)

[docs]def extract_tar(path, folder, mode='r:gz', log=True): r"""Extracts a tar archive to a specific folder. Args: path (string): The path to the tar archive. folder (string): The folder. mode (string, optional): The compression mode. (default: :obj:`"r:gz"`) log (bool, optional): If :obj:`False`, will not print anything to the console. (default: :obj:`True`) """ maybe_log(path, log) with, mode) as f: f.extractall(folder)
[docs]def extract_zip(path, folder, log=True): r"""Extracts a zip archive to a specific folder. Args: path (string): The path to the tar archive. folder (string): The folder. log (bool, optional): If :obj:`False`, will not print anything to the console. (default: :obj:`True`) """ maybe_log(path, log) with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as f: f.extractall(folder)
def extract_bz2(path, folder, log=True): maybe_log(path, log) with, 'r') as r: with open(osp.join(folder, '.'.join(path.split('.')[:-1])), 'wb') as w: w.write( def extract_gz(path, folder, log=True): maybe_log(path, log) with, 'r') as r: with open(osp.join(folder, '.'.join(path.split('.')[:-1])), 'wb') as w: w.write(